What Is Gemology...??

Gemology or gemmology is the science dealing with natural and artificial gemstone materials. It is considered a geoscience and a branch of mineralogy. Some jewellers are academically trained gemologistsand are qualified to identify and evaluate gems. Gemstone are basically categorized based on their crystal structure, specific gravity, refractive index, and other optical properties, such as pleochroism. The physical property of “hardness” is defined by the nonlinear Mohs scale of mineral hardness.Gemologist study these factors while valuing or appraising cut and polished gemstones.Gemological microscopic study of the internal structure is used to determine whether a gem is synthetic or natural by revealing natural fluid inclusion or partially melted exogenouscrystals that are evidence of heat treatment to enhance color.The spectroscopic analysis of cut gemstone also allow a gemologist to understand the atomic structure and identify its origin, which is a major factor in valuing a gemstone.For example ,a ruby from Burma will have definite internal and optical activity variance from a Thai ruby. When the gemstones are in a rough state, the gemologist studies the external structure; the host rock and mineral association; and natural and polished color,refractive index, optical character ,specific gravity, and examination of internal characteristics under magnification.